"Foundation of huge flows toward the implementation of low carbon world ultimately"

EU-Korea ETS(Emissions Trading System) Project Launch Event held in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance & Economy, Republic of Korea on July 8th afternoon, 2016 in JW Mariott Hotel Dongdaemun Seoul was a good opportunity which awakens that climate change is not a problem of any one country, but will be a foundation of huge flows toward the implementation of low carbon world ultimately.

In conjunction with it, EU Amb. Gerhard Sabathil said through his keynote remarks: ""Climate change is one of the key priorities in our bilateral relationship with the Republic of Korea. In EU, the ETS has not only delivered cost effective emissions reductions but also stimulated investments in the low carbon sector. Decoupling of economic growth from GHG emissions has been progressing steadily since 1990. With more than a decade of experience, the EU is well placed to support the Republic of Korea and stands ready to share its expertise. Through this technical cooperation and successful KETS, we will set a good example in the region."

▲ EU Amb. Gerhard Sabathil(left) &vice minister Choi Sang-mok from the Ministry of Strategy & Finance, Republic of Korea shakes hands each other during the opening ceremony of the EU-Korea ETS Project Launch Event. (Courtesy: Ministry of Strategy & Finance)

Denmark Amb. Thomas Lehmann and a slew of deputy head missions such as Bulgaria DHM Panko Panov, Belgium DHM Laurend Piedreud, Slovakia DHM Robert Maxian, EU deputy Ms. Ana Beatriz Martins etc. showed keen interest while attending on hand. Touching upon a fact that ETS becomes a foundation of innovation and creativity, Denmark Amb. Thomas Lehmann introduced by his comments that over 60,000 peoples are being hired in the field of green in Denmark right now.

An official from the Ministry of Strategy & Finance, Republic of Korea said that it is very suggestable for Korea Denmark creates jobs over 60,000 peoples by being converted into a low carbon economy.

Expressing her thanks for the comments EU envoy Gerhard Sabathil made that in EU, GDP grew 50% during last 10 years by means of ETS, former Environment Minister Yoo Young-sook pointed out that doing ETS is to enhance industrial bodies' competitiveness.

The EU-Korea ETS project will focus on the implementation and operation of KETS in its initial years of operation, as well as development of the next steps, according to EU Delegation in Seoul. Dedicated activities will be co-implemented by an international consortium and the Korean government, targeting both, public and private stakeholders.

Public sector representatives will receive support on technical and strategic aspects of implementation and development through a consultation hotline, workshops and EU study visits. There will be a particular focus on benchmark-based allocation, auctioning and modelling. Private sector representatives will receive support on compliance and new mitigation technologies through workshops across Korea. Knowledge will be shared on EU best practices and training will be provided to verifiers to further strengthen the compliance cycle.

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